Sometimes I truely marvel at the extent of my own stupidity

I recently had occasion to perambulate down the road. It was a sunny day and I was having difficulties with my eyes which were both itchy due to an excess of pollen and were therefore watering somewhat. Things were not helped by the bright sunlight. Essentially, this meant that a degree of eye-rubbing was called for. Now, rather than rubbing alternate eyes as many a common folk might be seen to do, i opted for the time-saving “dual rub” method.

Unfortunately this had the rather inconvenient (and bizarrely relatively unforeseen) effect of rending me unable to see. Unable to see at all. Unable, in fact, to see the low garden fence that i wandered into, or indeed to observe the group of school children at the nearby omnibus stop, who laughed heartily as i went head first over it and into someone’s garden.

About Words of Little Relevance

Freelance stage manager; software and web Tester; Spreadsheet and Map geek; Tweeter; Blogger and Cake Eater. Often back-stage in and around Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire where I move scenes, or play with lights or sound.
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